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Churches: Building Accessible, Inclusive Spiritual Communities

Churches, synagogues, mosques, and congregations are becoming more aware that fully including people with disabilities within their communities makes them stronger. These stories and more related to inclusive churches were sent to Inclusion Daily Express readers.

Study Finds City Is Moving Toward Inclusion (Ohio)
Communities To Be Honored For Inclusion (Ohio)
Churches Could Learn From First Disability Activist, Jesus (Oregon)
Mr. Smith Demands Boy's Ramp Be Torn Down (Ohio)
A ministry for the developmentally disabled (Minnesota)

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Study Finds City Is Moving Toward Inclusion
October 9, 2001

CINCINNATI, OHIO--The results of a three-year study done by Inclusion Networks revealed that Cincinnati businesses, organizations, churches and schools are doing well in terms of including people with disabilities.

Of the businesses and organizations that responded 65 percent had an employee with a disability, about 80 percent of churches and other places of worship are wheelchair accessible, and abut 70 percent of schools have mission statements promoting inclusion.

The Cincinnati Post ran this brief article:

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Communities To Be Honored For Inclusion
January 2, 2002

CINCINNATI, OHIO--While I usually don't like the idea of cloning human beings, there are some human beings in Cincinnati and neighboring Covington, Kentucky that ought to be among the first candidates for duplicating.

Take the folks at the Mother of God Church in Covington, for example. The church has ramps, an elevator and hearing aids available to any parishioners who need them. Sign language interpreters have signed the Sunday service for years, and parishioners in wheelchairs greet everyone at the door.

''However people feel they'd like to offer their talents, we help them do that,'' said Pastoral Associate Sister Dorothy.

The church is one of several groups that will be honored this month as the Inclusion Network presents its 7th annual Inclusion Leadership Awards.

Here is a terrific story from Tuesday Cincinnati Post:

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Churches Could Learn From First Disability Activist, Jesus
March 9, 2002

EAGLE POINT, OREGON--How much does the Bible have to do with how individuals, businesses, organizations -- even churches -- view people with disabilities?

Throughout the Old Testament, disabilities are described as punishments given by God for sins, as "a blemish or defilement", writes disability activist Scarlett Miles.

"It was taught in Old Testament theology that persons with disabilities should be excluded from religion."

"Jesus, on the other hand, interacted with many disabled people . . . He was always in trouble with the religious in his day for healing persons with disabilities . . . And he wanted us included in the social life of the community."

So, why is that even today many churches have so many barriers that keep people with disabilities from being a part of their communities?

More importantly, "if the church is inaccessible, what does this say to a disabled person about God?"

Miles' article can be found at this Inclusion Daily Express Web page:

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Mr. Smith Demands Boy's Ramp Be Torn Down
By Dave Reynolds, Inclusion Daily Express
July 19, 2002

MILAN, OHIO--While Laura Risner and her 9-year-old son, Jeremy, were on vacation recently, a church group and a local accounting firm built a ramp in front of their home for the boy, who uses a wheelchair.

This week, the Milan village zoning inspector told the Risner family that the ramp must be torn down, the Cincinnati Enquirer reported Thursday.

Zoning regulations state that the ramp should be 35 feet behind the property line, but the Risner's ramp is two feet too close, said zoning inspector Larry Smith, who is also the town's street superintendent.

Risner said she told Smith and building inspector John Zimmerman of the plans to build a ramp. But Smith said he never received a request from her for a variance that would allow them to have it that close to the front of the property.

If the family requests a variance, the zoning board would decide whether to grant the request, Smith said.

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A ministry for the developmentally disabled
September 10, 2002
DETROIT LAKES, MINNESOTA--As the sun and fun of summer begins winding down, First Lutheran Church of Detroit Lakes is busy getting ready for the launch of a new ministry project focused on area teens and adults with developmental disabilities.

"You don't have to be a member (of First Lutheran) to come to this program," says RoxAnn Lindquist, director of special needs ministry at First Lutheran. "It's an opportunity for anyone (with developmental disabilities) ... to develop a sense of community and bring Jesus into their life."

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